Sunday 18 October 2009

Wow thats a beautiful co-incidence

It was Friday night and well it was so boring! I had to catch a bus and guess wat I had to go to Blore to meet ma relatives. I hate my relatives. The very first question they ask me is whether or not I got a good job, how good is my salary now and make silly fucking jokes on me getting married soon. Well I hate people talking about mrgs. There is lot left in life.

So brushing aside these memories I reached "Sharma Travels". I was asked to wait and I was an hour early to the stop. Well I hate waiting for bus or train. The famous aamir khan dialogue struck me " Never run behind a bus, train or a gal as you always get one when u lose one" . Stupid dialogue really. When there is no way you could get one, how come you can lose one. I am not a sharukh or aamir for the gals to wait in the queue. I am just another humble guy and really getting a gal is never the most important thing in my life.

I took out my headphone and I was thinking about the book I read recently "The perfect stranger". The book is basically about the american version of love and how a stranger makes a woman love her. Well Americans are always obsessed with their romantic stories. The only regret I have is that it never actually happens in India or at least it was never happened to me. We have seen strangers starting to love each other in the movies. All I have managed in all years of travelling to is look at old aged people and never ever had an opportunity to make frnds with people of my age. So so many regrets and complaints in my life, I sat alone and I sat really alone.

Hmm a cool breeze really, surprising to find one in Chennai. Looked around and found a gal of my age enquiring about the same bus which I had to board. Wow! isn't that something I wished too. Well honestly its something which every guy would like to have. A nice person to talk with during ur travel and that person being a gal is always a plus :) So having my hopes high, I wanted to talk with her. Well I am always a shy person and its like I never ever have the guts to talk to a gal and that too, to a stranger. While I made up my mind, I had a guy sitting just between us and shit I hated that guy on the very moment!

Well but really I am always the starter and I spoke to that guy too. He was an IIM graduate but looked like a total nuts. He was speaking to his gal frnd over the phone and he irritated me so much with his stupid dialogues. I really dont know why some guys lose their self respect when they start loving a woman. Well thoughts apart, my bus came in and I went inside the bus. Here comes my prayers and all I wished was to have the gal sitting right next to me. Some times I am so stupid! But I wasnt lucky enough and she was sitting somewhere else.

Actually the gal reminded me off my child hood days. I had a frnd very similar to her. She was komal who was bubbly little gal playing around us. The gal too looked the same way. She looked really kiddish and thats something I liked in her. Obviously I am neither a Tom cruise nor a owen wilson to talk about other's looks but I liked the way she was. I wish I could have sat with her and made some good frndship.

Well but life never gives what u want and the bus was off its source. The travel was sick and I felt so bad and lonely. My destination came and I saw her getting down in my stop too. Well may god would have given me the guts to talk to her but I was so shy again and I didnt do much this time either. So I caught an auto reached my sister's place. I saw my 4 month old nephew and god I forgot the whole world. The kid was so beautiful and all I did was to play with her for the next two days. But my memories never went off and it was strange feeling and belief that I will meet her again.

So I went to the blore bus stop on monday night to board the same bus "5678". Funny same number again. Hmm I was there an hour early again and I was expecting her this time. Then I rubbished my stupidity saying that these things always happen in a movie. Well same old songs in my mp3 player which I didnt wanna hear. Suddenly I felt the same breeze in blore too and "Wow thats a beautiful co-incidence" . She came again. It was as if she was here for me and it was as if the God has sent her back again. This time I decided that whatever it takes I am goanna talk to her.

Whenever I feel choked off energy I always eat a banana. So I had a banana and she decided to talk to her. Well I was so shy and my heart was beating so high. I bet even more than Lance armstrong in the moon. But something backed me up and something pushed me near her. And this how our conservation went :

Me : "Hey, hi, u r the one who came on friday night bus too,right? "

(She was puzzled)

She : "yes"

Me : "I saw you on friday night too"

She : "I saw you too"

Me : "Whats ur good name"

She : " My name is ________ "

Me : " My name is Guru"

Its funny though. I was answering things which she never questioned. It was as though I was telling her things she never wanted to hear. But I felt something good about her. Very different. Very odd. Thats why I couldnt stop talking. She had big eyes which I liked a lot and she was definately a humble gal. My conversation went on very well but shit, she got a call and it was all over.

I couldnt talk to her afterwards. We reached chennai and both of us boarded the same auto. I seriously didnt have the guts to ask her phone number but I managed to get her email id. Well I have added her but no response from her still. Guess she misunderstood me. Life never gives u wat u want. It may be that She didnt like the way I spoke or may be I was too insecure since I was a stranger.

But I still have the same odd feeling and I guess someday she will be ma frnd. Guess u liked the blog :)

Happy blogging